Category: Gardening tips

Benefits Of Growing A Garden

Benefits Of Growing A Garden Vegetable gardening is one of the fastest growing hobbies in America. It is easy to understand, as there are so many reasons to start your own garden. Growing your own vegetable garden can do more than provide tasty produce—gardening can improve health, save money and even boost mood. Growing your …

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Edible Landscaping with Trees

Edible Landscaping with Trees Growing edible trees is a long term proposition. They take up lots of space, but have so many uses, not the least of which is yielding edible fruits and nuts. Today’s fruit varieties are far more versatile and compact than in the past though, so even if you have no garden space …

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Raising Pigs: Pros and Cons

Raising Pigs: Pros and Cons Jill and Heather have written an awesome article on what it’s like to raise pigs. Heather sets her plan and goes on her first adventure of raising pigs (eventually eat). But one pig stands in her way (Loudy Pants – named by her daughter) is now there pet pig! Heather will tell …

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Do You Have Enough Water Storage To Survive?

Do You Have Enough Water Storage To Survive? First off, water is without question the #1 top-priority for survival preparedness. In the U.S., water is a resource which we’ve been babied with for so long that we fail to realize how significant it is for keeping us clean, hydrated, and alive on a day-to-day basis. …

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The Journey to Self-Sufficiency

The Journey to Self-Sufficiency introduces Loriel who is on a journey to a more natural life and hopes to inspire those around her by writing about her stories on her own blog Naturally Loriel. This article gives a true account of how a “normal” everyday family gets through their day to day lives using what …

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