Category: Gardening tips

21 DIY Re purpose Old Door Ideas

21 DIY Re purpose Old Door Ideas There are a ton of great uses for your unwanted doors. If you like these ideas but don’t have any doors to re-purpose then try a salvage shop, yard sale or trash pile.  Ever thought that an old door can be turned into a garden chair or a …

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Finishing your Fall Planting

Finishing your Fall Planting Fall is a good time to get in that garden and get planting things that you never got around to in the spring! No matter what style of gardening you practice, or what zone you are in, fall plantings give you the opportunity to expand your garden options. Vegetables, trees and …

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DIY Rain Barrel for Kids

DIY Rain Barrel for Kids If you want to save money on your water bill, provide your plants with clean water, and teach kids to conserve natural resources then this rain barrel will be perfect for your home! A rain barrel is a way to catch and store rainwater as it flows from the roof. The …

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DIY Planter Box Bench

DIY Planter Box Bench Stumbled on this awesome post over at! I think this is the most beautiful planter I have ever seen and what makes it really special, it’s also a bench!  The best part about this bench is that the majority of it is made from cedar fence pickets!  This keeps the cost …

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Fall Blend Herbal Tea Recipe

Fall Blend Herbal Tea Recipe Herbal teas are a delicious and easy way to increase your fluid intake and sneak in some extra nutrients. Most people think all teas taste about the same. But then, most people don’t know what it’s like to sit down after supper with a good book and a cup of steaming-hot …

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