Category: Gardening tips

How To Make Rope From Plants

How To Make Rope From Plants Learning to make cordage is actually quite simple. However, mastering it can actually take a while. Once you know how to make cordage you can make all manner of things that require cordage. Everything from rope, to cloth, to nets, to even a bridge if you need it. After …

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20 Unique & Fun Raised Garden Bed Ideas

20 Unique & Fun Raised Garden Bed Ideas For the experienced gardener or the novice, raised garden beds take the hassle out of horticulture. Raised garden beds are a wonderful way to create individual planters or even have a stunning feature in your garden. Here we tips on planning, building, protecting and irrigating raised bed gardens. With …

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21 Top DIY Pool Noodle Home Projects And Lifehacks

21 Top DIY Pool Noodle Home Projects And Lifehacks How to play cool games and make fun summer crafts using foam pool noodles. You and your kids will have so much fun with these pool noodle activities, decorating, preschool learning tools, and all of the amazing pool noodle games you can play! Believe it or not, …

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30 ways you have never considered using wood ash

30 ways you have never considered using wood ash Anyone who has a wood burning fireplace in their home knows the ash needs to be cleaned. This ash is typically collected in a bucket or other container for eventual disposal. Many people may dump ash in a trash bin or in their backyard. Saving the …

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50+ Things to Make from Cement

50+ Things to Make from Cement Cement projects are trending big with DIY-ers. These projects will give you that modern style, chic and artistic look that you have always wanted! Did you know that there are lots of cool, industrial chic DIY projects you can make with cement? I didn’t think that there were that many! These projects …

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