11 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes Mosquito are a type of insect most commonly found in hot climates. There are around 3,500 species of mosquitoes and many of these breeds feed on human blood. Mosquitoes are more than a nuisance, as they carry diseases and viruses! However, using chemical products to keep them away is not on …
Category: Gardening tips
Home Grown Smudge Sticks
Home Grown Smudge Sticks Although they are available commercially — and are fairly inexpensive — it’s easy to make your own if you’ve got herbs growing in your garden, or if there’s a place nearby where you can go wildcrafting. The most common herbs for smudging are white and garden sage. Other herbs can be used, however, …
23 Extraordinary Ways To Re-purpose Rain Gutters
23 Extraordinary Ways To Re-purpose Rain Gutters Yes, you are reading it correctly, rain gutters! Isn’t a rain gutter used for water drainage? Correct, however, did you know that it can be excellent tool for more than this? It can be diverse in your DIY projects. DIY rain gutters are great recycled crafts with or without …
26 Wonderful Outdoor DIY Water Features
26 Wonderful Outdoor DIY Water Features Do you find that there is something missing or lacking in your garden? A garden without a lovely fountain seems incomplete… These kind of water features are beautiful as well as calming and peaceful. Whether indoors or outdoors, water features such as a DIY water fall or a fountain, …
Garden Marker Ideas
Garden Marker Ideas Do you love labeling plants and other decors of your garden? How about having some simplest, DIY plant tags and that even made from items like corks, shells, pebbles, containers and cans. You can use the broken pots and wooden pieces too. If you are interested in getting some plant markers for …