Category: Gardening tips

10 Unique Entrance Gates That You Will Admire

10 Unique Entrance Gates That You Will Admire Gosh, some really beautiful designs for an entrance to your property! A custom driveway gate can hold a special meaning to a homeowner. I can’t think of a better greeting to your property than a gate that reminds you of what is important to you: security and …

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150+ Organizing Tips & Tricks

150+ Organizing Tips & Tricks Who doesn’t want or need organization in their life?! I love these sort of hacks because it gives you cheap and easy ways to get things organized or straightened out in each room of the house. Some ideas are just beyond amazing and others are just down right silly but …

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Six Systems for Self-Sufficient Living

Six Systems for Self-Sufficient Living Self-reliant living can take many forms. You can provide your own food and energy and be your own barber, repair person, home-school teacher, house cleaner, painter, and child care provider. By running a home-based business, you can generate the money needed to obtain essential products or services you’re unable to …

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38 Creative Ways to Repurpose Vintage Ladders

38 Creative Ways to Repurpose Vintage Ladders We all have stuff that no longer serves any purpose around the house, but we still have trouble getting rid of it. Either it’s “still OK”, or “might come in handy” or just holds some sentimental value to it. Besides serving a purpose (again), repurposed items add this lovely …

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28 Awesome Garden Bed Edging Ideas

28 Awesome Garden Bed Edging Ideas A creative DIY edging can help infuse your garden with a unique sense of style that reflects your personality. To enhance the beauty and maintenance of the garden, garden edges and borders hold an utmost importance. These edges and borders are basically used as boundaries between the garden and …

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