Category: Gardening tips

20 Amazing DIY Ideas for Outdoor Rusted Metal Projects

20 Amazing DIY Ideas for Outdoor Rusted Metal Projects I’m a big fan of certain things in the garden… stone, concrete, metal and wood. Nothing seems to be more useless and ruined than our metal tools and objects that get all rusty. However, with a little creativity and an artistic touch, you can turn that used-to-be …

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35 Cheap And Easy DIY Compost Bins That You Can Build This Weekend

35 Cheap And Easy DIY Compost Bins That You Can Build This Weekend You can compost at home with one of many commercially available compost bins, but making your own compost bin is really easy. Depending on the type of compost bin you choose you can build a compost bin in a matter of minutes-for little …

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25 Playful DIY Backyard Projects For Kids

25 Playful DIY Backyard Projects For Kids If given the opportunity, kids would spend a lot of their time outside. If you want to make their outdoor time even more enjoyable then you have got to look through this awesome roundup of playful DIY backyard projects from over at It is really important the …

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10 Natural Antibiotic Alternatives

10 Natural Antibiotic Alternatives An antibiotic is a substance used to treat infections caused by bacteria and other microorganisms. Antibiotics are useful for healing cold and flu, clearing infections and speeding up wound healing. There are a number of herbs, foods and natural ingredients that have powerful antibiotic features that can help to inhibit the …

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19 Breathtaking Backyard Pond Designs

19 Breathtaking Backyard Pond Designs It’s easy to add a new and exciting dimension to your home by introducing a beautiful, natural-looking water feature. The wonderful thing about water features is their flexibility. They can be designed to fit into whatever space you have available. You can create a large free-form outdoor pond, an intimate …

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