Category: Gardening tips

20 Clever Gardening Hacks

20 Clever Gardening Hacks A garden isn’t just a beautiful thing to look at but it’s also a great hobby to take up as it’s both calming and gives you enough activity to keep you active without straining your body too much. In addition, growing your own fruits and vegetables is a great way to …

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10 Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

10 Home Remedies for Cracked Heels Summer, you’re getting ready to show off your flip-flops and sandals, one thing to keep in mind before you step out in your ‘opens’ is making sure your feet are in absolute great shape. BUT it’s not always about summer – you need to protect your feet ALL of …

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82 Sustainable Gardening Tips

82 Sustainable Gardening Tips Even an experienced gardener needs a refresher course and an inexperienced gardener enjoys any advice to make the journey of learning easier. This fabulous collection of 82 Sustainable Gardening Tips that help your garden grow will give you wonderful ideas to put into practice making your garden flourish! From saving water …

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Preparedness – Homegrown Medicinals

Preparedness – Homegrown Medicinals Some of the herbs, plants and weeds that grow in your garden contain medicinal properties and can be used to help treat a number of illnesses, injuries and ailments. Using herbs seem like a much better alternative in most cases and  Common sense home has some great info for using herb and …

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39 Ways to Make Money Homesteading

39 Ways to Make Money Homesteading The term homesteading does not have mean living off the land out in the sticks. Anyone with property that can be effectively utilized can homestead. One thing that is interesting about homesteading is making money from your efforts. There are many ways that you can make money homesteading. Whether …

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