Category: Health & Beauty

Why Make Homemade Soap?

Why Make Homemade Soap? Most manufacturers care more about their bottom line and how to increase their profit than care about the health benefits to your skin. Making your own soap at home is easy, frugal, creative and fulfilling. There’s something really marvellous about taking a bar of your own homemade soap into the bath or …

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14 Natural Home Remedies for UTI Pain & Discomfort

14 Natural Home Remedies for UTI Pain & Discomfort Urinary tract infection is a very painful disease which causes a great deal of pain and discomfort. Not only does it stop you from going about your day, it also makes you feel miserable and generally rubbish. Once the urinary tract infection is detected it is very …

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7 Ways To Get Started Prepping Today

7 Ways To Get Started Prepping Today If you’re new to prepping, don’t go into panic mode, but do get a jump start on your preps with this beginning prepping tutorial. Bookmark this article and get starting prepping today. Being prepared consists of 3 things: Skills to make your self reliant and able to deal …

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How to Go Green Without Going Broke

How to Go Green Without Going Broke I have a really hard time paying extra money for anything natural. Cost is, and will almost always be, my number one concern. I really have to love a product and be convinced of it’s benefits to bypass the cheapest brand for something more expensive. “Going green” takes time, and …

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5 Herbal Therapies to Help You Recover From Gout

5 Herbal Therapies to Help You Recover From Gout Gout is a very painful attack that effects the joints and can make doing everyday simple tasks impossible. First it is important to figure out why you are experiencing gout in the first place. Once you figure that out there are some natural herbal remedies that …

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