How To Make Fire Using A Lemon If you are out in the woods, either trekking or camping, you better make sure that you are equipped with survival stuff. However, if you have forgotten anything, you can always turn to nature. Here is a simple science experiment which shows you how you can create fire …
Category: Health & Beauty
7 Signs Your Gut Bacteria Are Out of Whack
7 Signs Your Gut Bacteria Are Out of Whack Your gut health is tied to so much of your overall health–from your immune system to your nervous system. Gut bacteria is extremely important but not many people know how to tell if theirs is out of whack! To get in touch with your gut health, here …
How to make Sugar Wax for Hair Removal
How to make Sugar Wax for Hair Removal Sugar Waxing has been around for ages and all it takes to make it is white sugar, water, and lemon juice. This old-school waxing method is cheap, requires no heat or strips, and is as effective and less painful than conventional waxing. Unlike regular hot wax, which can …
12 Plants For Your Bedroom to Help You Sleep
12 Plants For Your Bedroom to Help You Sleep Have you ever had a night where you can’t get comfortable in bed and are unable to turn off your brain to get some shut eye? Then, when you finally do, it is time to get up and start your day? Chances are, you’ve been there …
25 Gorgeous Spring Nail Ideas
25 Gorgeous Spring Nail Ideas Whether you’re just starting out, or a more advanced artist there is something here for all skill levels. Many of us admire nail art designs but are scared to do it on our own nails because we think it is a complex art. But creating a nail art design is …