Category: Health & Beauty

Best Protein Shake Recipes

Best Protein Shake Recipes We love an on-the-go breakfast, but let’s be honest: It sucks when you slurp down a smoothie and find yourself starving a couple hours later. Enter a protein-packed smoothie! Our bodies need protein for healthy skin, hair, bones, and heart. Plus a protein-packed breakfast can prevent overeating! Each recipe will give …

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How to Make Hand Milled Soap

How to Make Hand Milled Soap Making milled soap is a cross between cold process soap making or hot process soap making and melt and pour soap making. Milling allows you to add a variety of healing, soothing, or cleansing ingredients, such as extra fats or oatmeal or essential oils, to your soaps.  Supplies: grated …

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Vick’s Vapor Rub Uses: 18 Creative Ideas

Vick’s Vapor Rub Uses: 18 Creative Ideas Vick’s Vapor Rub, better known as Vick’s, is a mentholated ointment that is used for suppressing cough. As children, we have all had our experiences with this ointment when we got cold, cough or fever. Our mothers would rub it on our chests and the smell of menthol …

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The Magical Benefits of Vinegar Baths

The Magical Benefits of Vinegar Baths As far back as the ancient Egyptians, cultures around the world have been using Apple cider vinegar as a healing elixir, a youth preserver, disinfectant and much much more. This inexpensive multi-purpose product is an absolute must-have for those of us who love harnessing the power of nature. Ever …

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10 DIY Dollar Store Spring Crafts

10 DIY Dollar Store Spring Crafts One of my very favorite activities is going to the dollar store and thinking of things to make from the products there. It forces me to be thrifty, and to think outside of the box. Some DIY projects can get pricey because of the materials, but you can always …

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