Category: Health & Beauty

World’s Most Powerful Essential Oil And Immune Booster

World’s Most Powerful Essential Oil And Immune Booster Essential oils are becoming more popular as the years pass due to having many health benefits. One of the most prominent benefits that people discuss is the ability for these oils to help boost your immune system. There are certain oils that are said to be more …

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14 Genius Ways To Recycle Used Coffee Grounds

14 Genius Ways To Recycle Used Coffee Grounds I am more a tea drinker than a coffee drinker but I know a lot of people who love their coffee! This is a great article who shares some great ideas to reuse coffee grounds, you will be amazed! You’ll never throw your away your used coffee …

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Boot Dryer Tutorial

Boot Dryer Tutorial Tired of Cold Feet? Dry Your Boots with this genius project! Wet boots can ruin a winter morning, so spare your toes by drying your boots like this (see above image!) You could spend something like $30, but where is the fun and saving money? Our top tip: Make sure you wring …

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10 Homemade Olive Oil Beauty Products

10 Homemade Olive Oil Beauty Products Many of us have never stopped to consider the ingredients in our cosmetic products and how they might be affecting our appearance and our overall health. The good news is you can know exactly what goes into your products… Rich in vitamin E and A, olive oil helps prolong …

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15 Ways To Save Money On Chicken Feed

15 Ways To Save Money On Chicken Feed The most expensive aspect of raising animals on your homestead is the food that is necessary. If you have chickens that are being raised for meat or eggs, then a lot of feed may be needed. You might be surprised to know that are many ways to …

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