Category: Health & Beauty

The Benefits Of Bentonite Clay

The Benefits Of Bentonite Clay Bentonite clay is one of the safest, easiest and least expensive detoxifying substances one could find. It is noninvasive and causes no harm when used correctly. These are some of the benefits most people experience from eating clay after two to four weeks of use: Well- regulated bowels. Relief from constipation …

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DIY: Ornament Wreath

DIY: Ornament Wreath A lot of Christmas Glass Ball Ornament Wreath tutorials are a little spotty on the details, so I thought I’d throw this one out there for people like me who need very specific shopping lists and instructions – this is a really good tutorial from the lovely guys over at…. Supplies: styrofoam …

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DIY Paper Doily Christmas Trees

DIY Paper Doily Christmas Trees Here is cute idea to make Christmas trees with a paper doily. Don’t they look lovely and pretty? They are super easy and fun to make. They will be nice and adorable decoration for your home these holidays. Happy crafting! Supplies you may need: Paper doilies of different diameters ( …

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2-Ingredient Homemade Kitchen Cabinet Gunk Remover

2-Ingredient Homemade Kitchen Cabinet Gunk Remover When it comes to cleaning, you surely spend a lot of time working on the various areas of your kitchen. However, when you are cleaning this room, you likely do not put a lot of focus on your kitchen cabinets because most people just do not think about them. …

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DIY Home remedy for Wart Removal

DIY Home remedy for Wart Removal Warts are most common skin problem that can appear anywhere on the body but most commonly on hands and feet. If you have a plantar wart you know how painful they can be. Here is how to get rid of a plantar wart at home! What do you need …

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