Category: Health & Beauty

20 Stain Removal Tricks That Really Work

20 Stain Removal Tricks That Really Work Got a stain on your favorite top? Ruined a pair of shoes? Perhaps you spilled some oil… well now you can find out how to remove common stains. When it comes to pressing household matters like how to effectively remove stains, it seems everyone and their mother (literally) has …

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DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent Tabs

DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent Tabs Go to your washer and grab you laundry detergent then check the ingredients…you’ll see it’s packed full of unpronounceable ingredients and toxic warnings. Surely this can’t be a good thing to have pressed to your skin every day? Well this fantastic tutorial uses just 5 natural ingredients that can easily be …

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Unicorn Crochet Pattern

Unicorn Crochet Pattern Unicorns, magical unicorns! From youtube videos, to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Bronies and Pegasisters, to Lisa Frank, unicorns are as popular now as they were back in the days of chivalry and knights in armor. And of course that means there are crochet patterns! Do you have a little girl that …

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7 Old Wives Tales That Turned Out To Be TRUE

7 Old Wives Tales That Turned Out To Be TRUE Growing up, I was told many old wives’ tales by various friends and family members. Most of the old wives’ tales I was told turned out to be false, which is no surprise. My eyes are not permanently crossed from crossing them and making funny …

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DIY Smoked Meats and Cheeses

DIY Smoked Meats and Cheeses Learning how to smoke your own meats and cheeses is incredibly easy. Whether you choose a modern electric smoker, a traditional fire smoking system, or make your own set up, there is nothing overly difficult about the process. Once you have the basics down, the only things you need to …

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