Whipped DIY Vapor Rub for Chest Congestion Having chest congestion is annoying. It makes you cough and gives you difficulty in breathing. So if you’re having one, here’s an all-natural vapor rub. Unlike the regular vapor rubs, this doesn’t contain synthetic ingredients. The consistency of this recipe is awesome. Smooth, glides on easily, and it has …
Category: Health & Beauty
DIY Cloth Training Pants!
DIY Cloth Training Pants! Okay, so I realize that this tutorial will only be interesting or useful for a few of my readers, but since I really love this idea and it has worked out great for us so far, I thought I would share with the few who care! If you like it, then …
10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds
10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds I am more a tea drinker than a coffee drinker but I know a lot of people who love their coffee! This is a great article from theearthymama.com who shares some great ideas to reuse coffee grounds, you will be amazed! You’ll never throw your away your used coffee grounds again …
Home Remedy for Swimmers Ear and Preventing Ear Infections
Home Remedy for Swimmers Ear and Preventing Ear Infections Swimmer’s ear is an infection of the outer ear canal caused sometimes by fungus but most commonly by bacteria. The frequent, prolonged exposure to water that occurs when someone swims regularly can wash away the oily, waxy substance that normally lines and protects the ear canal. …
Sauna Tips for Better Health
Sauna Tips for Better Health People have used saunas and sweat lodges for thousands of years all around the world, and sweating out toxins is only part of the reason. Deeper health benefits from saunas don’t just lie in detoxification. You can actually boost your immune system, too, by using a few added techniques. The sauna enhances …