Category: Health & Beauty


24 HEALTHY SNACKS YOUR KIDS WILL LOVE These days it’s hard to find a snack for kids that is both healthy and fast. I usually spend most of my time preparing fresh fruit and dips in order to feel good about the snacks I feed my daughter. I know snack time in any home can …

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How to Make The Most Awesome LEGO Blanket

How to Make The Most Awesome LEGO Blanket Any LEGO fans in the house? How gorgeous is this LEGO Building Blocks Blanket! Learn how to crochet your own Lego Blocks and join in on the craze. Using the crochet bobble stitch, you can make an adorable afghan for yourself or a child by working up a …

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9 Ways a Bench Can Raise Your Decorating Game

9 Ways a Bench Can Raise Your Decorating Game Benches are more useful inside the house than you may think. They provide extra seating for guests and a touch of uniqueness to a simpler space. Not only can you find benches in all sizes, shapes and colors, but you can also find plenty for a …

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Creative and Fun Christmas Gift Ideas

Creative and Fun Christmas Gift Ideas We love to make gifts in our family and there are dozens of easy crafts and presents to make for all your friends and family right here! There are many benefits to make a Christmas gift by yourself. First, the materials are easy to get. You can use any materials …

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Arthritis – Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid

Arthritis – Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid For many years, people have claimed that certain foods in their diet reduced pain and joint inflammation from arthritis. Researchers continue to investigate whether foods and spices actually may play a role in relieving joint pain. The symptoms of arthritis you experience will vary depending on the type …

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