Category: Health & Beauty

Removing Stains From A Plastic Cutting Board

Removing Stains From A Plastic Cutting Board I personally don’t have a plastic cutting board for this actual reason! The amount of boards we have thrown out due to bad stains, I have lost count! I stumbled upon this article from Jillee over at and found a great solution! If only I had found this …

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Homemade Hand Sanitizer With Thieves Oil

Homemade Hand Sanitizer With Thieves Oil I’m a big believer in hand-washing as the best way to ward off colds and the flu. I am also a huge fan of Thieves Oil. I love that I can use it in everything from homemade foaming hand soap to bug repellent bars! I like to keep things …

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100+ Apple Recipes

100+ Apple Recipes Who doesn’t love apples? Some people are really lucky to have apple trees growing in their backyards. But don’t forget that you can pick up some delicious apples from your local farmers market! There is a great link on this blog that will also show you the nearest market to you! Make …

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37 Ways to Give Your Kitchen a Deep Clean

37 Ways to Give Your Kitchen a Deep Clean There are so many nooks and crannies and appliances in your kitchen, sometimes the best you can do is wipe down the countertops. But when you’re ready to give that kitchen a serious cleaning, Emily over at has posted about 37 things you can do …

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Vegan Soap Recipes

Vegan Soap Recipes This soap is amazing at nourishing the skin and helps to heal problem skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. By using plant-based, all-natural, and organic ingredients, I would say that this soap is one of the best for use on the body! As an added bonus…for those with skin sensitivities, the soap has been …

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