Category: Health & Beauty

How to Grow Your Own Luffa Sponges

How to Grow Your Own Luffa Sponges The luffa plant is a cucurbit, a group of plants including gourds, pumpkins, and cucumbers. Start your seeds indoors around March. Water the plant during periods of drought, then be patient. They’ll grow prolifically during the long, hot, summer days and slow during cool periods. Their bright yellow …

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30 Homemade Granola Bars + Energy Bites Recipes

30 Homemade Granola Bars + Energy Bites Recipes I can’t get enough of these! They are so tasty, but, I have to watch how many I actually do eat! These should be just for a quick snack – not to munch on all day! Don’t you find that sometimes you really just need a snack …

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How To Make Bath Bombs & Fizzies

How To Make Bath Bombs & Fizzies Bath Bombs, or Bath Fizzies, are like giant alka-seltzers for your bath – they spin, whirl and swirl in your bath while releasing scent and skin-softening agents. They make bath time SUPER fun!  The foundation of the bath bomb is a simple chemical reaction between an acid and …

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33 Delicious 3-Ingredient Slow Cooker Recipes

33 Delicious 3-Ingredient Slow Cooker Recipes A common barrier to cooking is seeing a mouthwatering recipe online, only to click and discover it requires double-digit ingredients, two of which you’ve never heard of. It doesn’t have to be that way. Delicious, healthy dishes can be crafted from just three ingredients. With about 5 million other things to …

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How To Raise Monarch Butterflies

How To Raise Monarch Butterflies Now’s the time of year you’ll find Monarch butterfly eggs on your milkweed.  Just turn over the leaves, look on the underside and you’ll see them. Once you find the eggs/caterpillars you will want to bring them in soon to their indoor caterpillar home. If you leave them out they may …

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