Category: Health & Beauty

Natural Toothpaste for Healing Cavities

Natural Toothpaste for Healing Cavities There is a common belief today about cavities that once you have tooth decay, that cavity can NOT be reversed or healed. Then the only solution is to have part of your tooth drilled out and filled with a synthetic material. It is possible, through a truly healthy diet and …

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21 Unexpected Ways To Relieve Pain

21 Unexpected Ways To Relieve Pain Aching joints, painful wisdom teeth, headaches, sore muscles, general aches and pains…. they can all be relieved with surprising items that you’ll already have. Truth be told none of us know what goes into the pain medications we get from the Doctor or Pharmacy… and it can cost a small …

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24 All-Natural Essential Oil Recipes

24 All-Natural Essential Oil Recipes If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a great stash of essential oils and are always looking for ways to use them. Let me just tell you how much money your going to save from this one article! I much prefer a thoughtful homemade gift over a hastily purchase store …

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6 Unusual Uses for a Hair Dryer

6 Unusual Uses for a Hair Dryer The hair dryer… It dries your hair? You may be surprised to find out that there many household uses that can make life easier using this simple item. For example, anyone who has ever had to contend with price tags and stickers may find it helpful to use …

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Lemongrass – How to Grow It and Use It

Lemongrass – How to Grow It and Use It Lemon grass is a tropical grass with a lemony scent and taste that’s used in cooking. It is typically sold fresh, but it’s also available dried and powdered. Lemon grass is common in Thai, Vietnamese, and Sri Lankan dishes, and it’s also becoming popular in other …

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