Category: Health & Beauty

How To Filter Beeswax

How To Filter Beeswax There are a lot of frugal and energy efficient ways to filter beeswax. Most of those involve using solar heat to melt the wax. There’s just one problem with that – Nina lives in North Dakota…. solar HEAT is not an option for about 9 months out of the year! So instead …

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21 Homemade Sugar Scrub Recipes

21 Homemade Sugar Scrub Recipes Sugar scrubs are a simple beauty recipe with countless variations, and they can be incredibly moisturizing and exfoliating to the skin. If you are new to making your own beauty products (or even if you are a veteran natural beauty alchemist) I highly encourage you to try out these sugar scrub …

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Make Your Own Texting Gloves

Make Your Own Texting Gloves Jessica over at has created a simple DIY project for you to try out! Texing gloves! Imagine that it’s cold outside and you want to SMS your friend except that doing so would entail wrenching your poor fingers from the cozy recesses of your gloves. If you had a …

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37 SANITY-SAVING KITCHEN TIPS While doing the cooking and prep-work, there are just some things that you can’t help but think, “There has to be an easier way!”.  Well, now there is thanks to One Good Thing by Jillee. No matter how long you’ve been cooking for you can always use a little help. This …

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51 Uses For Coca-Cola — the Ultimate List

51 Uses For Coca-Cola — the Ultimate List Coca-Cola is one of the most popular drinks in the world however it has loads of surprising uses apart from quenching your thirst. Use it when you’re cleaning or even gardening, perhaps you need to defrost your wind-shield or neutralize a jellyfish stings with plenty more everyday …

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