Category: Health & Beauty

Cold Buster in a Jar Recipe!

Cold Buster in a Jar Recipe! I just love remedies that feature ingredients you probably already have in your cupboard or refrigerator, don’t you? And this one is so simple to make… Lemon Ginger and Honey in a Jar (makes about 2 cups) Keep it in the fridge! 2 lemons thoroughly cleaned and sliced 2 piece …

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Washing Clothes Without a Washing Machine

Washing Clothes Without a Washing Machine How on earth did we manage without washing machines back in the day? Like microwaves and dishwashers, washing machines are often taken for granted until we can’t use them. Washing clothes by hand has it’s uses; you use less energy, less water than washing machines, and may be less likely …

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Natural Supplements for Happy Healthy Hens

Natural Supplements for Happy Healthy Hens By boosting your hens immune systems you will be avoiding them getting sick and then having to administer antibiotics or other medications. By just giving your hens a few inexpensive, natural supplements will really boost your flock’s overall health and will also result in better egg production! Providing your chicks …

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5 Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea (+Recipe)

5 Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea (+Recipe) The plant grows in tropical areas and produces stunning red flowers. These flowers have been used for centuries for their medicinal purposes. Much research has been done on the effects of hibiscus tea in those with high blood pressure. Drinking just 8 ounces 3 times each day will …

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8 Ways Anyone Can Prepare for a Power Outage

8 Ways Anyone Can Prepare for a Power Outage If you need to know how to prepare for a power outage, then this is the article for you! Most power outages will be over almost as soon as they begin, but some can last much longer – up to days or even weeks. Power outages …

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