Category: Health & Beauty

10 Best Effective Home Remedies For Wart Removal

10 Best Effective Home Remedies For Wart Removal Warts are one of the most common skin problems that can appear anywhere on the body, but they are most commonly found on the hands and feet. They can grow in clusters or singly and have a rough skin surface; sometimes a black spot is visible in …

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Make Your Own Homemade Bleach

Make Your Own Homemade Bleach Homemade natural bleach can be used all over your house, not just in your laundry! Not only does this make whites even whiter, it safely brightens colors too! There is no need to dilute this bleach. It can be used in your bath, shower, sink, and even toilet cleaning! Bleach, …

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10 Ways to Beautify Your Brows

10 Ways to Beautify Your Brows How do you get perfectly beautiful eyebrows? Do you upkeep your eyebrows? What does your routine look like? Over at they give you 10 amazing tips you will need to make sure your brows are kept in shape! Oh yes, there’s more to it than just prudent plucking! Most of us ignore …

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Huge List of Homesteading Skills to Learn

Huge List of Homesteading Skills to Learn So your dream is to have your own homestead. Even while your saving for or searching for your perfect plot of land there are skills that you should be learning. Evolving your own homestead and becoming self sufficient involves a few key skills…and where better to learn them than …

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Homemade Spiced Pear Crumble Bars

Homemade Spiced Pear Crumble Bars I feel like pears get a little overlooked this time of year. Everyone is all excited about apples and pumpkins and brussel sprouts, leaving pears to sit all lonely and forgotten in the corner. There are some spectacular pear desserts out there on Pinterest, but this one is my favourite! Whenever …

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