Category: Health & Beauty

50 AMAZING DIY Projects Using Recycled Cans!

50 AMAZING DIY Projects Using Recycled Cans! Up cycled DIY projects are becoming one of the fastest growing trends in the world! This is great because recycling materials is very important and keeps our planet green. Aluminium cans are often thrown away but did you know you could turn those cans into some AMAZING crafts??? …

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Home made Lotion Bars and Lip Balm recipe

Home made Lotion Bars and Lip Balm recipe Two recipes, some lovely lotion bars to take care of your skin and lip balm to take care of your lips, this is what our skin really needs.  So use some lovely natural recipes on your skin and make sure to get your healthy oils in your …

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Lose Water Weight with Dandelion-Cranberry Tea

Lose Water Weight with Dandelion-Cranberry Tea Dandelion Greens Diuretic properties help with promoting urine production and reducing symptoms of some liver, gallbladder and kidney conditions. Dandelion greens you may not know are more like the super green foods you would normally eat.  It also has the reputation for lowering serum cholesterol and blood pressure, eliminating gas and …

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5 DIY Stress Relief Techniques

5 DIY Stress Relief Techniques Women worry more than men do. A study of 166 married couples who kept stress diaries for six weeks found that women feel stress more frequently than men because women tend to worry in a more global way. Who new? Ok, click the link below for this great article….. 5 …

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8 Extraordinary Natural Home Remedies For Receding Gums

8 Extraordinary Natural Home Remedies For Receding Gums First off, if you are having any dental problems or problems with your gums, please seek out dental assistance. This could be signs of something more serious. Receding gums is often an initial sign of gum disease, which could lead to tooth loss. Thankfully there are some naturally remedies …

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