Category: Health & Beauty

15+ Clever Uses For Tension Rods

15+ Clever Uses For Tension Rods The tension rod is often overlooked in it’s capabilities. While a lot of us use it for the obvious of hanging a curtain, there are so many other things that you can do with one. This post shows 15+ ideas of ways you can use a tension rod for …

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23 Genius Ways To Use An Ice Cube Tray

23 Genius Ways To Use An Ice Cube Tray Are you like our household? We have too many of these laying in our cupboards not being used. Well, I have found 23 reasons to use those extra ice cube trays! BuzzFeed have been so kind to compile a list of 23 genius ways to use …

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How To Sew A Homemade Designer Handbag

How To Sew A Homemade Designer Handbag A girl can never have too many handbags, right? A bag habit can easily become expensive, but not if you learn how to make, or remake, them yourself! We are bringing you a tutorial on how to sew a gorgeous hand crafted handbag! Supplies: pair of wood purse handles …

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Printable Emotions Sorting Game inspired by Disney-Pixar’s Inside Out

Printable Emotions Sorting Game inspired by Disney-Pixar’s Inside Out We often ask our toddler how she feels about certain things especially if we can see a strong emotion that we can ‘use’, such as when she is obviously happy or sad. I came across this wonderful article from – a FREE printable game to help …

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Coffee Bar Ideas For Your Kitchen

Coffee Bar Ideas For Your Kitchen I have the smallest kitchen in the world (I really do!), so I know this coffee bar would not work for me due to space but if you have a big enough kitchen then you will love this creation from Carrie Waller – eHow Contributor. You know that feeling when you …

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