Category: Health & Beauty

27 Survival Uses For Floss

27 Survival Uses For Floss If you’re like most people, you probably have a roll of floss that never gets touched next to your bathroom sink. If you’re not going to use it, then you may as well put it in your bug out bag. Why? Because the size-to-usefulness ratio of floss is fantastic. Floss …

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Peach Slush Recipe

Peach Slush Recipe This recipe has made my summer! I love peach, anything cold and it is the perfect combo! This recipe should ideally be made only with fresh fruits since canned fruits are loaded with sugar; but if you have no choice, remember to remove the sugar syrup in order to make it suitable for …

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Small Bushes You Can Grow With Edible Fruit

Small Bushes You Can Grow With Edible Fruit The most popular berries among gardeners are the same ones that still come to market: strawberries, blueberries and, occasionally, red raspberries. We grow what we know, naturally enough. But why stop with only those? Growing food at home ensures that growers know exactly where their food comes …

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How to Quickly Repair A Broken Zipper

How to Quickly Repair A Broken Zipper Zippers are awesome inventions that make getting in and out of clothing easy and fast. When a zipper breaks, it is good and truly broken – right? Maybe not! Sharon over at has shared a handy trick to easily fixing that broken zipper so you can wear …

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8 Natural Ways to Feel Energized

8 Natural Ways to Feel Energized I don’t know why but I feel tired pretty much most of the time! I think having a baby took it all away…. After the late nights feeds, sickness bugs, teething pains and growing pains…. I need a boost! The answer may lie in your morning routine! Afternoon energy levels …

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