Category: Health & Beauty

6 Simple Sciatica Stretches You Can Do In Bed

6 Simple Sciatica Stretches You Can Do In Bed

6 Simple Sciatica Stretches You Can Do In Bed Yes, I have this and it’s awful! Especially when I get into bed after a long day… I get shooting pains from the base of my back all the way down my right leg. I admit, It was worse when I was pregnant due to the …

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9 Tips To Afford A Homestead

9 Tips To Afford A Homestead Want to know if you can afford to run a homestead? Would you like some helpful tips? Look no further… Maat from over has some awesome tips shared for FREE! ‘ I think there’s a lot of misinformation and myths that are around regarding homesteading, namely that it’s an …

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45 Uses For Lemons That Will Blow Your Socks Off

45 Uses For Lemons That Will Blow Your Socks Off Before you throw out any more lemons, check out all 45 surprising uses over at Once you read the following list, you’ll likely want to stock at least a few lemons in your kitchen 24-7. Here are a few examples: Insects Out of Kitchen Anti-Aging …

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66 Things You Can Grow At Home: In Containers, Without a Garden

Grow At Home In Containers

66 Things You Can Grow At Home: In Containers, Without a Garden When it comes to having fresh produce and herbs, having your own garden is your best option. When you have your own garden, you save a lot of money and always have what you need on hand. However, not everyone has space for …

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Coconut Oil Pulling For Oral Health

Coconut Oil Pulling For Oral Health Oil pulling is an age-old remedy that uses natural substances to clean and detoxify teeth and gums. It has the added effect of whitening teeth naturally and evidence even shows that it is beneficial in improving gums and removing harmful bacteria! Oil pulling is a very inexpensive therapy that …

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