Category: Health & Beauty

Herb-Infused Balms for Healing + Headaches

Herb-Infused Balms for Healing + Headaches A balm is a mixture of herbal infused oils, some form of wax and essential oils.  Balms tend to be more aromatic because the higher amount of EOs used for their healing properties releases a cloud of soothing vapors upon application. Peppermint – Cooling, analgesic, antispasmodic, anesthetic, decongestant, febrifuge, insecticide, stimulant – clears thinking …

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25 DIY Home Organization Ideas

25 DIY Home Organization Ideas Now that I have my own child, I have to admit I have let my organisation skills around the house slip! The mess drives me mad, and when I think I am on top of it it’s a mess again! Something has to be done and fast! So I did …

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15 Beautiful Perennials That Grow In The Shade

15 Beautiful Perennials That Grow In The Shade Gardeners should be familiar with the different types of shade, but should also keep in mind that measuring how much shade your garden gets isn’t always easy. Keep in mind that no vegetable will grow in full, dense shade if that is what you intend to grow…. …

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21 Unique Ways To Upcycle Old Sweaters Into Something Adorable

21 Unique Ways To Upcycle Old Sweaters Into Something Adorable Since it’s sweater-weather, it’s also sweater project time! Sweaters easily lose their shape, shrink, or pill up, I don’t want to throw them out but if I have something I can make with them I would feel better! You could also pop into your local thrift …

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25 DIY Furniture Hacks that will make you think: Why didn’t I think of that?

25 DIY Furniture Hacks that will make you think: Why didn’t I think of that? Fed up with your furniture? Searched everywhere for your dream piece with no luck? Sometimes all you need is a little inspiration to breathe new life into your old furniture! Make something completely new and unique from what you already have …

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