Category: Health & Beauty

How To Harvest Dandelion Root

How To Harvest Dandelion Root A weed like the dandelion can be beneficial. You can easily harvest dandelion root to use for a lot of medicinal purposes. If you are looking for dandelion root’s anti-inflammatory and liver cooling properties I recommend using it fresh by eating it, tincturing it or making vinegar. The dry root tea …

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The Best Plants for Every Room of the House

The Best Plants for Every Room of the House The good news is that there’s an easy and affordable way to combat the presence of the yucky stuff we may be breathing in, and it comes right from the natural world – yes, plants that purify the air! Although houseplants may be intimidating to those …

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25 Time Saving Hacks For Busy Parents

25 Time Saving Hacks For Busy Parents There really isn’t enough hours in the day, I’m sure any mom would agree.. And since don’t have an extra hour to sleep or the ability to freeze time– I am stuck with only 24 hours!! The hundreds of little tasks parents are faced with on a daily basis mean …

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19 Delicious and Easy Pasta Salads

19 Delicious and Easy Pasta Salads ” The only food item that screams summer more than watermelon is pasta salad! I am not sure what exactly it is about them that makes them favorite summer dish of mine, but they sure are. I love that I can make a huge batch and then feed my …

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Irish Apple Cake

Irish Apple Cake

Irish Apple Cake ” This particular apple cake recipe is mildly spiced with an inner core of thinly sliced tart apples, topped with an crumbly oat streusel. Tradition dictates serving it with some thick cream, or a luscious custard sauce. ” This Irish Apple Cake looks scrumptious. It actually has three parts to this recipe, …

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