Category: Health & Beauty

36 Easy and Beautiful DIY Projects

36 Easy and Beautiful DIY Projects Come see this great round-up over at! Go look in your garage, storage room, basement and find yourself some incredible items to make amazing DIY projects that will be perfect for home decoration! You don`t need to redecorate the whole house but you need to put accent on some …

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23 Ingenious Uses For White Vinegar

23 Ingenious Uses For White Vinegar Vinegar has been around for thousands of years, no doubt it’s versatility and many uses are down to it’s success. From helping to preserve foods to providing a natural alternative for cleaning, there are hundreds of ways it can be used to make your life easier….Click the link to find …

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10 DIY Beauty Recipes To Try At Home

10 DIY Beauty Recipes To Try At Home Have you ever wondered exactly what ingredients your beauty products are made of? Are you sure that the ingredients in your beauty products are safe? Many of us have never stopped to consider the ingredients in our cosmetic products and how they might be affecting our appearance …

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50 Clever DIY Storage Ideas to Organize Kids’ Rooms

50 Clever DIY Storage Ideas to Organize Kids’ Rooms Kids may be small, but they tend to take up a lot of space— at least their stuff certainly does! Between the toys, books, DVDs and craft supplies, you may wonder if you’ll ever achieve calm amongst the chaos. Baskets and bins are your best friends— …

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10 Signs You May Have A Thyroid Problem

10 Signs You May Have A Thyroid Problem The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the center of the neck, which makes thyroid hormones. Although relatively small, it is considered the master gland of metabolism and plays a key role in the functioning of many important organs, including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys and skin. …

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