Category: Health & Beauty

Top 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Top 10 Foods That Burn Belly Fat Belly fat, a common problem where the mid-portion comes bulging out. We all hate it because it stops us from wearing skirts or dresses because the belly portion is too evident. Besides exercising, you also need to have a proper diet that includes food to reduce belly fat! Losing this …

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15 Best Benefits Of Coconut Milk For Skin, Hair And Health

15 Best Benefits Of Coconut Milk For Skin, Hair And Health Consumption or application of coconut milk improves skin elasticity due to its copper and vitamin C content. These nutrients slow down the ageing process of your skin and body by maintaining flexibility and elasticity of the skin and blood vessels. It prevents wrinkles, sagging …

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Stain Solutions

Stain Solutions Here is an amazing list of how to remove all kinds of stains…. hair dye, blood, baby oil, car motor oil, beets, Barbecue sauce and 199 more others!! What more do you need? I hate stains! This will give you a step by step guide, click below to get the list…. Stain Solutions

Natural Remedies For Ear Infections

Natural Remedies For Ear Infections Children are more likely than adults to get ear infections. Ear infections frequently are painful because of inflammation and build up of fluids in the middle ear. Here are a few tips below to some home remedies you could try. Remember though, if you have any puss coming from the ear …

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10-Minute DIY Lip Balm

10-Minute DIY Lip Balm I love lip balm. I don’t know why my lips are so dry, even in the summer, but they are. And so I always have some with me. You don’t have to worry about what is in it. Some of the worst offenders of the unnatural and toxic chemicals in our …

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