Category: Inspiration

17 Ways To Repurpose Your Empty Wine Bottles

17 Ways To Repurpose Your Empty Wine Bottles The first step to any of these projects is to empty the bottle(s). It’s a tough job, I know, but someone has to do it. You can always try to round up some friends to help you through this tedious step… But for real, after your next big …

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25 Dairy Free Gluten Free Breakfast Ideas

25 Dairy Free Gluten Free Breakfast Ideas We’ve heard that breakfast is an important meal, and it’s true. Eating breakfast helps us stabilize our blood sugar levels throughout the day, which affects things like our energy, alertness, and mood. There are so many different options and substitutions in this article that we feel we’re not limited …

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17 Yummy Pumpkin Breakfast Recipes to Make this Fall

17 Yummy Pumpkin Breakfast Recipes to Make this Fall For years I avoided pumpkin, never really enjoying the taste, but all of a sudden within this past year that has drastically changed. Now I am obsessed with all things pumpkin related and simply cannot get enough. I’ve noticed the crazy number of pumpkin desserts was …

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18 DIY Garden Trellis Projects

18 DIY Garden Trellis Projects Garden trellis is a great way to save your garden space that supports climbing vegetables,flowers and fruits plants to grow vertically and increase your yield per square feet. There are many reasons to consider having a trellis in your garden – perhaps to stop busybody neighbors peeking over your five-foot fence? …

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Perfect Potting Bench DIY Projects

Perfect Potting Bench DIY Projects Working with a potting bench during gardening season is pure luxury and you’ll find yourself looking forward to puttering away at your own little garden center. Important gardening items like empty pots, soil pots, gardening tools, fertilizers and related supplies can be kept at one location. You don’t have to spend …

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