Category: Inspiration

15 Super Cozy Bedroom Hideaways

15 Super Cozy Bedroom Hideaways Kids love to hide. Give them a bed sheet or a table cloth, and they’ll spend hours building tents and hiding spots. They love having their own secret space, away from the adult world, in which their imaginative minds can fight monsters, creatures, or pirates and pretend play away, without …

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20 Stunning Projects You Can Do With Sharpies

20 Stunning Projects You Can Do With Sharpies One of the most popular crafting trends right now is to use a Sharpie marker to add designs to almost anything. {I’m sure you’ve seen them all over Pinterest, just like we have!}  They are so easy to use and now available in a spectrum range of …

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29 Garden Pathway Pebble Mosaic Ideas

29 Garden Pathway Pebble Mosaic Ideas Summer is my favorite time to enjoy our garden: the blooming flowers, fresh homegrown vegetables, tasty fruits…It would be nice to add a sweet touch to the beautiful garden with some handmade garden crafts. So I am now planning for 2016 – I found these awesome ideas to look …

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Christmas Fudge

Christmas Fudge I am listening to Christmas music right now and I’m loving every minute of it! One of my favorite treats around the Holidays is fudge! Here are a few you could make: White chocolate peppermint fudge Gingerbread fudge Vanilla bean fudge Cookie cutter fudge Festive candy cane fudge Strawberry swirl fudge  Please watch …

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524 Amazing Ways To Reuse Things You’d Normally Throw Away

524 Amazing Ways To Reuse Things You’d Normally Throw Away You’re probably thinking that your bins contain much of the same – but looking a bit farther into what exactly we’ve been chucking without a second thought, you might just realize that many of these items can be useful to you for more than scrap. …

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