Category: Inspiration

100 Creative DIY Wall Art Ideas

100 Creative DIY Wall Art Ideas I am so excited to share this wall art round up I just discovered at Brit + co! There’s 100 totally beautiful ideas that all link through to their respective tutorials/sources. I hate finding a great idea but never being able to find the tutorial so this is awesome. There …

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132 Delicious Jams And Jelly Recipes

132 Delicious Jams And Jelly Recipes Jams use mashed up fruit, while preserves use whole or large pieces of fruit. Both of them, however, are easier and more economical to make than jelly, since they are made of entire fruits instead of just the juice, and can be good either thick or runny. Both are …

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8 Great School Cheat Sheets

8 Great School Cheat Sheets Cheat sheets can offer a succinct way for students to study their lessons and provide an excellent boost to what you are already teaching them in class. Cheat sheets can provide helpful information for teachers too. Study Sheets, Study Aids, Reference Guides, Cheat Sheets – whatever you call them, these …

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6 Instant Meals-On-The-Go

6 Instant Meals-On-The-Go You can make these instant meals and take them to work for your lunch, camping to save on lugging all your cooking equipment around or just have them stockpiled at home for those “can’t-be-bothered” days. Chicken Veggie CousCous Creamy Alfredo Noodles Curry Chicken Rice Chicken Corn Fiesta Rice Apricot Macadamia CousCous Thai …

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25 Clever Cookie Cutter Crafts

25 Clever Cookie Cutter Crafts Did you know you have a craft supply right in your kitchen cabinets? It’s true, cookie cutters have so many fun uses! Making cookies is certainly fun, but there are lots of other uses as well. Themed sandwiches, candle making, bird feeders and printing wrapping paper – It’s all here …

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