Category: Inspiration

Fall Blend Herbal Tea Recipe

Fall Blend Herbal Tea Recipe Herbal teas are a delicious and easy way to increase your fluid intake and sneak in some extra nutrients. Most people think all teas taste about the same. But then, most people don’t know what it’s like to sit down after supper with a good book and a cup of steaming-hot …

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How to Make Citronella Candles

How to Make Citronella Candles Essential oils are a long-used solution for invading insects. Eucalyptus wards off ticks. Ants hate peppermint oil and patchouli keeps fleas at bay. Perhaps best known, citronella oil, extracted from a grass related to lemongrass, is very good at keeping mosquitoes away. It is a common ingredient in bug sprays …

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Homesteading with Small Children

Homesteading with Small Children Living on a homestead is all about life skills so try to involve children in everything. From growing vegetables in the garden to building a new chicken coop.  Even though they are young, children can do a lot on their own when guided. Children can adapt and participate in a homestead …

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Peanut Butter Cookie S’mores

Peanut Butter Cookie S’mores This American classic is everyone’s favorite childhood treat! Smores are thought to have gotten their name from frequent requests for “some more” whenever they were made. There is no “right” way to make a Smore but the traditional s’more is made with marshmallows, graham crackers and a few pieces of chocolate.These s’mores …

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DIY: Natural Sleep Spray

DIY: Natural Sleep Spray This is yet another natural way to help you get to sleep faster and experience more peaceful, restful sleep. If you suffer from insomnia then this is great for you, or if it just takes you a while to fall asleep then this will work, too. Benefits: Lavender Can have a calming …

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