Category: Inspiration

What Vegetables to Plant in September (Sorted By Location)

What Vegetables to Plant in September (Sorted By Location) If you are unsure of when to sow, or what you can sow each month, then look no further! I found a great list of vegetables you can plant in September over at They have listed vegetables in region order. This is awesome and it is so …

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20 Effective DIY Tricks to Keep Your Home Safe!

20 Effective DIY Tricks to Keep Your Home Safe! Why do people feel they need to broadcast their holiday plans to the entire world? You can make your home a whole lot more secure for little to no money. That’s because most of the best home protection simply involves smart thinking and good habits. Other methods …

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Make Your Own Herb Infused Oils

Make Your Own Herb Infused Oils The process of making your own herb-infused oil is similar to making tea, but instead of extracting the herb’s medicine into water, you’re using oil. Medicinal Oils can be used alone, or can form the basis of salves and balms. The general principal is simple: Oil + heat + herbs …

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Homemade 3D Shape Sorter

Homemade 3D Shape Sorter I found this and thought it was really cool… I just had to share!! My girl loves her shape sorters, but now we can make our own!! And the best part…. it also has FREE printables!! Homemade toys can have just as much developmental value as pricey commercial versions. Shape sorters help …

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5 Ways To Go Green Now

5 Ways To Go Green Now “I don’t have enough time” “ I don’t know how” – Excuses, excuses! This is what i hear most days! But what happens is that people get so caught up in their daily lives, it prevents them from taking a step back to see the bigger picture of how …

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