Fall Sensory Table Sticky, slippery, gooey, heavy, bumpy…that’s what sensory experiences are made of. Learning and retention improve depending upon how many of our senses are engaged. I have said many times before that sensory play is more than just a texture bin, although those are great, too. Children learn best by having “hands on” experiences …
Category: Inspiration
The kitchen secret for great skin
The kitchen secret for great skin Honey obviously tastes great as a sweetener in your tea or baked goods, but there are heaps of external uses as well. It can be used as a natural antibiotic on burns or scrapes, and it can be used as a natural acne treatment! I don’t wash my face …
100+ Recipe Substitutions – Replacements
100+ Recipe Substitutions – Replacements Ever wanted to cook something and you don’t have all the ingredients? Aside from borrowing from your neighbour you can now substitute. Through trial and error, this comprehensive list shows how to substitute common ingredients for healthier alternatives. Once you know the basics, you’ll be able to do it all the …
How to build grazing frames for your backyard chickens
How to build grazing frames for your backyard chickens The easy to build frames let your chickens eat the grass but the roots will not be scratched free, allowing the grass to continue to grow! Makes life a little easier! Food scraps, garden debris, sprouted grains, and so on are all good ways to get supplemental …
How to Make a Holzer Style Log Bee Hive
How to Make a Holzer Style Log Bee Hive If you would like to try bee keeping then make this DIY Holzer style log bee hive! This will give the bees a better life rather than using a plastic hive to make their honey in. This one even has a window in so they can …