Category: Inspiration

20 Ways To Save Time In The Kitchen

20 Ways To Save Time In The Kitchen Maybe you’re a ninja in the kitchen. Maybe you’re just starting your cooking adventure. Either way, these tips and tricks can help you spend less time slaving over a stove and more time enjoying the foods of your labor! Home cooked meals are much healthier than packaged alternatives, …

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100 DIYs to Give Your Home a Makeover This Summer

100 DIYs to Give Your Home a Makeover This Summer If a full-blown renovation isn’t in the budget, try these more manageable ideas to breathe new life into your home! The guys from over at have done a great round-up of 100 ideas to get you started! There are dozens of small, inexpensive home improvements …

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30 Genius Mom Tricks

30 Genius Mom Tricks Life happens, especially with kids, and sometimes there are just little things that can make a big difference in your everyday life and make it a lot easier, especially if you have to react quickly sometimes. We’ve compiled some mom-approved tips and tricks that might help you as well in everyday life …

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Unusual Uses For Your Pantry Items

Unusual Uses For Your Pantry Items The more and more I read about the dangers of household cleaning chemicals, the more I am interested in making my own. It is so incredibly simple to make everyday household cleaners out of common items found in your pantry! So here is a massive treat for you guys! …

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Letter of the Week Crafts for Preschoolers

Letter of the Week Crafts for Preschoolers If you are looking for a new craft to do with your little one as you introduce a new letter each week, check out this collection of letter of the week crafts. Things you could include are: read books for each letter, do fine motor activities, learn simple rhymes and songs, create …

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