Category: Inspiration

42 Ways To Decorate With Scrapbook Paper

42 Ways To Decorate With Scrapbook Paper Have you seen wall art in sets of nine squares, hanging on the wall like a tic-tac-toe board? I have, but I want my own custom colors and design. And those wall art sets in stores can cost $250! I want mine for a lot less! Like me, if you are …

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26 Creative and Low-Budget DIY Outdoor Bar Ideas

26 Creative and Low-Budget DIY Outdoor Bar Ideas The joy of constructing your own minibar is that you can customize it to your needs, whether your goal is to create more storage, display your liquor collection, or just provide a gathering spot for friends. An outside bar is one of the best ideas for your …

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DIY Plan: Rotating Storage Unit

DIY Plan: Rotating Storage Unit Rotating storage units are nice as they work well for small spaces, such as a kid’s room. A quality rotating storage shelf like the one shown in the left two images can easily cost hundreds of dollars! I thought this was pretty cool and would be a great space saving design… …

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12 DIY Dream Sheds & Greenhouses With Reclaimed Windows

12 DIY Dream Sheds & Greenhouses With Reclaimed Windows If you’re looking to start seeds indoors and realize that you don’t have enough windows space to sprout seeds indoors, or don’t want to raise your electrical bill by installing grow lights, building a greenhouse from recycled and salvaged items might be the solution you need. …

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15 Fantastic Ideas to Decorate a Side Alley

15 Fantastic Ideas to Decorate a Side Alley The forgotten side alley! When you give it a little attention, you might begin to enjoy what it can actually offer you! Play around with textures, flowers/plants, borders and wall art! I respect the fact that on one it shows a slim lone pool/spa and I am …

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