How To Transform Your Bathroom Into A Spa Between family duties and a jam-packed work schedule, it’s tough to carve out time for yourself. A first step to finding time for a little more rest and relaxation is rethinking your bathroom décor. Make your bathroom a decadent treat and turn it into a spa experience in …
Category: Inspiration
Ideas and Recipes for Thanksgiving Leftovers
Ideas and Recipes for Thanksgiving Leftovers It’s the day after Thanksgiving, and you have all those leftovers from Thursday’s big dinner. And while it’s true that sometimes nothing tastes better than a cold plate of leftovers in the calm quiet the day after the big holiday, even the best leftovers can get a little boring …
60+ Fudge Recipes
60+ Fudge Recipes While fudge is often considered a quintessentially British treat there are in fact different varieties of fudge the world over. Sweden have Knäck; in Poland there is Krówki; and in some parts of America they enjoy a fudge-like snack called Penuche. Looking for some yummy fudge recipes? Here they are, more than …
Transform Wine Bottles into Handmade Candles
Transform Wine Bottles into Handmade Candles Instead of throwing out those old wine bottles, why turn them into neat, nifty projects? The glass containers are actually a whole lot more versatile than you might think. When it comes to home decor or self-made gifts, there’s nothing better than personalized DIY candles that can deliver an …
Thanksgiving Toilet Paper Roll Craft Ideas For Kids
Thanksgiving Toilet Paper Roll Craft Ideas For Kids We are back with another Thanksgiving craft, this time for a preschooler. What’s Thanksgiving without a craft? The ever (in)famous paper roll never disappoints us with it’s infinite crafting possibilities. These toilet paper roll crafts are simple and really cute for a Thanksgiving Day craft. Kids will …