Category: Kids Crafts

Elf-on-the-Shelf Ideas

Elf-on-the-Shelf Ideas The story describes how Santa’s “scout elves” hide in people’s homes to watch over events. Once everyone goes to bed, the scout elf flies back to the North Pole to report to Santa the activities, good and bad, that have taken place throughout the day. Before the family wakes up each morning, the …

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25 Cookie Cutter Craft Ideas

25 Cookie Cutter Craft Ideas Did you know you have a craft supply right in your kitchen cabinets? It’s true, cookie cutters have so many fun uses! Making cookies is certainly fun, but there are lots of other uses as well. Themed sandwiches, candle making, bird feeders and printing wrapping paper – It’s all here …

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Teaching Kids To Stay In Their Own Bed

Teaching Kids To Stay In Their Own Bed Bedtime for the kids means “me time” for Mums and Dads! But learning to stay in bed can take time, and even good sleepers can change their habits overnight. This method is used in the Supernanny show to help families get an uninterrupted evening and a good …

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Make Bracelets from Recycled T-shirts

Make Bracelets from Recycled T-shirts This is a great DIY project for kids but we’re sure that adults will love it too. You’ve likely seen those awesome looking chunky bracelets made from fabric. This tutorial shows you how you can create your own and it is so easy that you are sure to want to …

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When Parents Have Different Parenting Styles

When Parents Have Different Parenting Styles Conflicting styles can confuse kids as they wonder “whose side to take,” and what the real rules are. Kids can learn to manipulate situations for their benefit too. This can then foster similarly manipulative or dishonest qualities in them as adults. And in extreme cases, children can end up …

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