Category: Kids Crafts

“Hooray for Fish!” – Exploring the Story with Clay

“Hooray for Fish!”  Exploring the Story with Clay This is a simple, bright, board book from award-winning artist Lucy Cousins, creator of Maisy! In this fantastic book there are many different fish, all beautifully illustrated with great names. You can now have a go yourself and make your very own clay rainbow fish… Even the …

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Coloured Cloud Dough

Coloured Cloud Dough Cloud dough is fluffy, dry and does not stick to your hands like the oil it is made of. It smells so good and it feels amazing! You can mould it, smooth it, squeeze it and shape it, but apply a little bit of pressure and it will crumble back to flour. A fab children’s sensory activity all round! Click the link for the …

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upcycling project for denim pockets

Up-Cycling Project For Denim Pockets If you’re looking for ideas and inspiration for re-purposing those old jeans or denim clothing, you’ve come to the right place! Here is a great blog on how to up-cycle those old jeans and turn them into something useful! This project is handy if you want to show off your stitching …

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Rainbow Soap Foam

Rainbow Soap Foam If you’re looking for some activities to keep the little ones occupied consider this inventive rainbow soap foam bubbles sensory play activity You can use a clam shell pool but you can easily do this in a large tub or even just an ice-cream container for a small amount – just use what you …

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20 Fun and Creative Crafts with Plastic Soda Bottles

20 Fun and Creative Crafts with Plastic Soda Bottles This is just another good reason to start recycling. Many of these crafts are kid friendly so if your little ones are bored during the holidays or just can’t get outside, you can help them to create a bit of fun! This will also take care of some of …

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