Category: Kids Crafts

DIY Bubbly Lava Lamps

DIY Bubbly Lava Lamps Lava lamps are interesting and cool. Have you ever wanted to make your own lava lamp? Lava lamps that you buy use high heat and toxic chemicals, but you can make a lava lamp at home using safe kitchen ingredients!! Click the link to find out how… DIY Bubbly Lava Lamps

How to Finger Knit

How to Finger Knit Children are often keen to learn how to knit or crochet, especially if they see you doing it, but they may find it difficult to manipulate the tools. Finger knitting is a great way to introduce them to these crafts. With a bit of patience and concentration, it is an easy …

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TUTORIAL: fridge magnet cups

TUTORIAL: fridge magnet cups What a great idea! Haven’t seen anything like this before… so simple to do! If you have children then this could be a life saver for you… It’s one of those ideas that is perfect! Follow the link below, this will give you all the tips you need on how to …

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Letter Activities for Kids

Letter Activities for Kids As a non-teacher, I have never known the order of when kids are expected to learn something, or what’s easiest for them to learn first. It can’t hurt to start early so here is a great list of letter activities for you to do with your children at home! You can …

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DIY Travel Seat Belt Pillow For Kids – Tutorial!

DIY Travel Seat Belt Pillow For Kids – Tutorial! I have been looking everywhere for something like this! I could do with one myself but i really want one for my little girl as we go on holiday soon. Here is the link for this cool seat belt pillow…. Just hope i get enough time …

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