Giant List Of 230+ Heirloom Seed Suppliers This is an AMAZING resource that list 230+ domestic and foreign suppliers of heirloom/non-GMO/organic seeds. The list is divided by country: USA, Europe (except UK and Ireland), Canada, Australia & New Zealand and South Africa. If you want to grow your own food at home but you don’t want to risk GMO seeds which …
Category: Self Sufficiency
18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants
18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants Before there was modern-day medicine and its pharmacopeia of synthetic drugs, there were plants, and ancient civilizations knew how to use them strategically to treat common ailments and even life-threatening diseases. Still today majority of people are rely on such traditional remedies. Many of elements used for the …
How To Grow Elderberries From Cuttings
How To Grow Elderberries From Cuttings When the flowers blossom, summer is said to have arrived, and when the berries are ripe, summer is drawing to a close. Elderberries are made into syrup, cooked in puddings and jams, and turned into liquor. What are the benefits of elderberries? They fight your cold symptoms. Elderberry syrup …
13 Baking Tips That Will Make Anyone LOOK Like A Skilled Baker
13 Baking Tips That Will Make Anyone LOOK Like A Skilled Baker 13 Baking Tips That Will Make Anyone LOOK Like A Skilled Baker… I do actually love to bake, but I have had some disasters too!! I haven’t burnt my house down or anything like that but I have added a few ingredients that …
16 Uses For Dryer Sheets You Never Thought Of
16 Uses For Dryer Sheets You Never Thought Of Did you know that you can use your dryer sheets other than in the dryer? Did you know that you can use the dryer sheets that you’ve already used? Well, if not, you’re about to. Below are some amazing ideas for dryer sheets you may have …