Category: Self Sufficiency

DIY: Simple Root Cellar Ideas!

DIY: Simple Root Cellar Ideas! Growing your own food can be very rewarding, especially during the summer months when veggies can be washed, cooked and on the table the very same day they’re picked (nothing fresher than that!). An underground chamber doesn’t see much temperature fluctuation, and during the colder months the conditions within will be …

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Composting 101: Things You Can and Can’t Compost

Composting 101: Things You Can and Can’t Compost Making compost isn’t difficult at all, and is well worth the effort because gardening is one endeavor where you can literally see the fruits of your labor! Taking care of a compost pile is extremely basic, but a wee bit of care makes a huge difference. Add …

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How To Store Gas

How To Store Gas A good fuel storage plan usually involves purchasing and properly treating a minimum amount of fuel to last you through whatever scenario you are planning for. This might be fuel for your generators, or enough gas to get you to your bug out location. It is easier to pre-purchase fuel and …

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Home Remedy For Warts

Home Remedy For Warts Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which has over 100 types. Different types affect people in different ways, usually depending on the strength of their immune system. Common warts usually grow on your fingers and toes but can appear elsewhere. They have a rough, grainy appearance and a rounded …

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DIY Herb Mason Jars

DIY Herb Mason Jars Mason jar DIY has been exploding lately, and I love anything to do with a mason jar! The Mason jar indoor garden is ideal for herb gardens, and a favorite among urban centre dwellers who might not have space for an earthen garden of their own! Since these herbs are being …

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