Category: Self Sufficiency

Slow Cooker Freezer Meals: Make 8 Meals in 1 Hour!

  Slow Cooker Freezer Meals: Make 8 Meals in 1 Hour! Raise your hand if you love your slow cooker?! My hand is held high!! Not only does the slow cooker make your life incredibly easy, but it has a unique ability to make food taste fantastic. My favorite day to use my slow cooker …

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How to Prevent Hypothermia

How to Prevent Hypothermia People regularly confuse hypothermia and hyperthermia. The difference is in the prefix. It’s easy to remember if you remember that a hyperactive child or a “hyper” child is one who is overactive. So, hyperthermia is too much heat. Hypothermia, what we’re talking about right now, is the opposite; not having enough …

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Tapping Birch: Collecting birch sap for mineral water, wine, beer, vinegar and syrup

Tapping Birch: Collecting birch sap for mineral water, wine, beer, vinegar and syrup In this article Fergus Drennan (author) will show you how to collect birch-sap easily and quickly. Around March time the sap rises throughout the tree’s in preparation to spring into life producing their buds and leaves. Birch Sap is a slightly sweet, watery & …

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Knit Your Own Spiderman-Blanket (FREE Pattern)

Knit Your Own Spiderman-Blanket (FREE Pattern) Thanks to creative free afghans patterns, even babies can get caught up in magical web of superheroes! If you’re not a fan of comic books, try whipping up this fun Spiderman Blanket in subtle tones to create a stained glass effect with your afghan. With such strong design elements, …

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Closed Cell Foam Insulation For Your Home

Closed Cell Foam Insulation For Your Home You need your money more than the electrical utility company does. That’s the point of having a well-insulated house: It keeps you comfortable, no matter what the weather or season, while saving more of your heating and cooling dollars. Spray foam insulation does the job better than other …

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