How To Build The Ultimate Compost Bin You can compost at home with one of many commercially available compost bins, but making your own compost bin is really easy. Depending on the type of compost bin you choose you can build a compost bin in a matter of minutes-for little money-and be on your way to …
Category: Self Sufficiency
Winter Weather Preparedness Checklist
Winter Weather Preparedness Checklist Stock up on emergency supplies for communication, food, safety, heating, and vehicles in case a storm hits. When wintry weather blows, will your family be prepared? Take time now to review your family’s emergency preparedness with this Winter Preparedness Checklist. It’ll help you prepare your home and automobile for cold-weather hazards. Here are …
Run your Dryer on Free Energy!!
Run your Dryer on Free Energy!! This has to be one of the coolest DIY projects I have seen in a while. Who doesn’t like FREE energy??? The project is relatively simple and after you have done it you will start saving on your electricity bill almost instantly. Once the hood is attached, you connect the dryer …
Organize Your Fridge to Keep Food Fresher & Longer!
Organize Your Fridge to Keep Food Fresher & Longer! If you’ve taken on the daunting task of cleaning out your refrigerator, you should give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back! But once all the expired condiments have been tossed and the shelves wiped clean, what’s the best way to put everything in again? Does …
Homemade Dishwasher Tabs
Homemade Dishwasher Tabs I am the dishwasher in my home, we do not own one but I came across these Homemade Dishwasher Tabs from and had to share them with you guys! Here is what you will need to yield 16-20 dishwasher tablets… 1/2 Cup of Borax 1/2 Cup of Washing Soda 1/2 Cup …