Category: Self Sufficiency

How to Can Pumpkin

How to Can Pumpkin Pumpkin is a low acid food and MUST be processed in a pressure canner not a water bath canner. There is no way around those recommendations (only if you ignore them…. which I don’t suggest you do!) Another important fact before you begin: you have to can the pumpkin as cooked cubes, …

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9 Gardening Tips For Cold Weather

9 Gardening Tips For Cold Weather When it comes to gardening, the cold weather can present problems and most people are forced to abandon their plants during the winter…but that doesn’t have to be the case! Growers in all types of climates can grow a productive winter vegetable garden. In some areas, this requires the protection …

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Coffee Can Survival Kit for Your Car

Coffee Can Survival Kit for Your Car We spend a lot of time in our cars. So, it makes sense that everyone should have some kind of survival kit with them right? I really do hate putting a lot of money into something I probably won’t use, but on the flip side I want to …

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10 Fundamental Spices for Your Kitchen

10 Fundamental Spices for Your Kitchen There’s a massive range of herbs and spices that it can be incredibly confusing to know what you should have in your store cupboard. Take a look at these 10 Spices every kitchen should have to see if you’re missing some members in your spice racks! If you’re trying …

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Dehydrating Onions For Food Storage

Dehydrating Onions For Food Storage Food drying, also called food dehydration, is the process of removing water from food, thus inhibiting the growth of micro-organisms (enzymes) and bacteria by the circulation of hot, dry air through the food. Removing water from food is the easiest, cheapest, and, in my opinion, the most appropriate method of …

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