10 Things To Consider When Living Off The Land Have you ever considered going off the grid? Do have a dream to live off of the land? Do you want to experience the joy of sustainable living? You need to have a realistic conversation with yourself and assess whether or not you have the skills and …
Category: Self Sufficiency
HOW TO DRY MUSHROOMS Dried mushrooms are packed with flavor and fantastic in tons of dishes! You can rehydrate them and use them in soups, risottos, pasta dishes…pretty much every delicious recipe you can think of! Although possibly the best way to dry mushrooms is in a dehydrator, but you can also get very good results …
14 Off-Grid Projects to Cut Your Energy and Water Usage
14 Off-Grid Projects to Cut Your Energy and Water Usage Living off-grid is pretty much every preppers dream. I know it has been my dream for ever and having the ability to not rely on the government or big corporations for power, food and water is just around the corner for everyone if they put …
Home Made Fruit and Spice Apple Sauce Blends
Home Made Fruit and Spice Apple Sauce Blends There is nothing better than your own home made apple sauce… So tasty and so easy to make! Now you can experience apple sauce with a twist because Monica over at theyummylife.com has created some unique blends. Monica has developed five healthy varieties of apple sauce with …
Bringing Plants Inside for Winter
Bringing Plants Inside for Winter With the cool night temperatures coming closer it’s time to think about bringing those tender plants back indoors. You will have to decide what’s worth keeping and how to care for them once back indoors. Rather than waiting until a frost is expected, make sure your plants have time to adjust …