Category: Self Sufficiency

Things to Look for at Every Yard/Garage Sale

Things to Look for at Every Yard/Garage Sale Today, just finding the money just to eat is hard enough, let alone spending extra on items you need to prepare! The next time you head out to a yard sale, thrift store, estate sale, or anywhere else that has bargains, keep this list in mind. You …

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How to Prepare Your Garden for Winter

How to Prepare Your Garden for Winter Your crops have been harvested, and the beautiful summer colour has faded from your borders…… don’t be fooled into thinking that it’s all over until next spring. Autumn is a busy time in the garden, clearing the decaying vegetation and preparing the garden for the cold winter months …

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66 Small Changes to Make a Big Difference

66 Small Changes to Make a Big Difference Sometimes little changes can be just as powerful as big ones! This article from Kris, over at, explores the different steps we can take to improve our footprint on the earth. Whether it’s in the bathroom, the kitchen, outside or around town, there are plenty of …

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Make Your Own Seed Tape

Make Your Own Seed Tape LOVE LOVE LOVE this article! A very clever idea! Anyone could do this, it’s so easy and saves so much time! Sow your seeds right where you want them, simple! The tape is made of bio-degradable paper which is planted directly into your garden. Seed tape tends to be pricey but …

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DIY Homesteading: Self-Sufficient Goat Keeping

DIY Homesteading: Self-Sufficient Goat Keeping When you first start off homesteading and self-sufficiency, you usually start by growing your own fruit and vegetables. When you feel you have a handle on growing your own food, your attention can then turn to keeping chickens for eggs and meat. Again, when you feel ready and have the space (you …

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