Category: Self Sufficiency

Homesteading with Small Children

Homesteading with Small Children Living on a homestead is all about life skills so try to involve children in everything. From growing vegetables in the garden to building a new chicken coop.  Even though they are young, children can do a lot on their own when guided. Children can adapt and participate in a homestead …

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Lemon Cream Cleaning Lotion

Lemon Cream Cleaning Lotion Would you like an all-natural, lemon-scented lotion that will clean and disinfect sinks, bathtubs, and greasy stove tops? Humblebeeandme has the perfect recipe!! It uses d-limone and 3 other ingredients to produce a creamy cleaning lotion. Thanks to one ingredient, it also has a bit of abrasion to scrub away surface …

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DIY Cottage Chic Herb Garden With Mason Jars

DIY Cottage Chic Herb Garden With Mason Jars Wouldn’t it be fantastic to have an indoor herb garden you could just go to in your kitchen? The Mason jar indoor garden is ideal for herb gardens, and a great for people who might not have space for an outdoor garden of their own! With the right …

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HOW TO SET UP AN HYDROPONIC GARDEN Hydroponics is proved to have several advantages over soil gardening. The growth rate on a hydroponic plant is 30-50 percent faster than a soil plant, grown under the same conditions. The yield of the plant is also greater! Hydroponic gardening uses no soil; rather, plant roots are suspended …

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How to Cook an Old Rooster (or Hen!)

How to Cook an Old Rooster (or Hen!) There comes a time in the life of every chicken-keeper when you have to make some tough decisions and over at is what happened. Jill explains in the best way that it’s not her favourite part about homesteading, and she’s right, If we choose to eat …

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