What Vegetables to Plant in September (Sorted By Location) If you are unsure of when to sow, or what you can sow each month, then look no further! I found a great list of vegetables you can plant in September over at organicgardening.about.com. They have listed vegetables in region order. This is awesome and it is so …
Category: Self Sufficiency
5 Ways To Go Green Now
5 Ways To Go Green Now “I don’t have enough time” “ I don’t know how” – Excuses, excuses! This is what i hear most days! But what happens is that people get so caught up in their daily lives, it prevents them from taking a step back to see the bigger picture of how …
Choosing A Raw Diet For Your Dog
Choosing A Raw Diet For Your Dog Overall, raw feeding is quite simple and there are only a few guidelines to follow. With time, you will become more comfortable with your dog’s new diet and you will start to see the results in the form of: better coats, cleaner teeth, fresher breath fewer health issues. Remember …
DIY Hydroponic Garden Tower Using PVC Pipes
DIY Hydroponic Garden Tower Using PVC Pipes This tutorial teaches you how to build your own hydroponic garden tower, this will allow you to grow delicious vegetables!! Who doesn’t want that?? This article comes with a FREE video and FREE PVC plans to make your very own!! When you have completed this project you will then …
How to Make Dried Fruit (Using Your Oven)
How to Make Dried Fruit (Using Your Oven) If you are going to be fruit dehydrating in future then buying a food dehydrator makes sense. Using one is more energy-efficient than slowly baking fruit in a low oven, and the results are more consistent. BUT if you just want to make the occasional batch, to …